October 25, 2024
    flat roofs

    Tar and Gravel Roof: A Guide for Homeowners


    Tar and gravel roofing offers some excellent benefits for your roof whether it’s a commercial one or a simple residential one. Still, you need to be prepared about its disadvantages and advantages and what it offers for your home. Here’s an introductory guide on how you can install a tar and gravel roof, the materials you’ll need, and the final cleanup and maintenance of your roof after installation.

    What is Tar and Gravel Roofing?

    Tar and Gravel Roofing is cost-effective, and a stylish way to protect your home from the weather. The material used in Tar Roofing has been around since ancient Roman times. It consists of asphalt (tar) and crushed stone or gravel.

    Why Tar and Gravel Roof is the best option?

    Tar and Gravel Roofs are famous for their durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions says this roofing website. Such roofs are a good choice not only the inexpensive houses but also for simple peasant houses. The simplicity of construction of such roofs makes it possible to build them from scratch by oneself.

    Why use tar and gravel?

    The main benefit of using tar and gravel as a shingle replacement is that it reduces energy costs while also being easy to install. This is because tar and gravel don’t require a professional contractor. Such metals are much less costly than conventional shingles, which makes them an affordable alternative for budget-conscious house owners. Tar and gravel can be placed over existing roofs, reducing further labor costs.

    How to Plan for this type of roof?

    • These roofs can be costly to install if they aren’t appropriately planned from the beginning.
    • However, tar and gravel roofs tend to last longer than other roofs, so it might be worth looking into one if you plan on staying in your home for a long time.
    • On average, homeowners report needing repairs about once every five years with tar and gravel roofs—although some need repairs much more frequently than others, depending on how well they were installed.
    • Before hiring someone to install your roofing system, look up reviews online and ask about different contractors in your area; quality installation is crucial if you want your tar and gravel roof to last!

    How to choose and install a tar and gravel roof?

    It’s always essential to have the proper insulation in your home. This should keep you warm during the winter, and it will also prevent your house from becoming an oven in the summer.

    Installing it yourself is a huge benefit. Even so, there are very few things to keep in mind before beginning this project on your roof.

    To get started with installing insulation of your own, keep these tips in mind:

    1 Installing the membrane

    The first step in your new tar and gravel roof is to install a membrane. This will help keep out moisture while protecting your home from wind damage. If you still have them, the membrane will be installed on top of existing shingles or directly on plywood (or both).

    2 Sloping the asphalt on steep slopes

    Secondly, you need to calculate how many square meters of asphalt cover your roof. Measure each side of your roof, multiply them together and divide by 9.14m2 (the area in a single square meter). So if you have a 100-foot wide by the 50-foot long sloping roof, that’s 20 feet across by 12 feet up—which is eight squares of tar paper before adding any overhang or overlap.

    3 Installing the sand layer

    The third thing you’ll need to do is make sure you have enough sand. The manufacturer’s guidelines should tell you how much sand needs to be used but feel free to use more if they don’t mention it. Make sure your sand layer isn’t too shallow (don’t try to save money by skimping on sand). It should be about a centimeter thick. Using a rake or broom, lightly compact it.


    • The biggest benefit to tar paper or concrete-tile roofs is that they can be installed in hot weather—unlike shingles, which are made of organic materials (wooden slats or bundles of a straw) that must be handled with care. This means you can enjoy your new home’s cool interiors sooner, instead of waiting until late fall or winter when temperatures drop enough to allow for proper shingle installation.
    • Furthermore, tar paper and cement are significantly less expensive than conventional roofs. They’re also highly durable and last longer than most other types of roofs on average. However, they require extra maintenance over time because their sheathing is exposed to more sunlight than traditional roofs covered by an attic floor.


    • When choosing tar and gravel, you want to be sure that you select a product that is durable enough to withstand environmental conditions. Because tar and gravel shingles degrade faster than traditional shingles, they may not be appropriate if you live in a hot and humid climate.
    • Tar-and-gravel roofs are also susceptible to algae growth due to their reflective nature, attracting insects. Be sure you consider these things when choosing your roofing material!


    A roof is an essential part of your home. If the top is not well maintained, it will lead to problems in the rest of the house. And if, unfortunately, it needs repairing or a new installation altogether, finding a solution to fix it can be a daunting task. In this blog, we attempted to shed some light on how tar and gravel roofs can be beneficial for you, but there are many factors you need to consider before installing them.

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