3 Undeniable Cloud Benefits
Did you lose another flash drive? Are all your files stuck on an old hard drive?
The above issues are just a couple of pitfalls of relying on old technology. There are also security concerns once old computers become “techno trash.”
Thankfully, you can upgrade to faster (and more reliable) solutions within minutes.
All your answers can be found in the cloud!
Here are three cloud benefits you can’t ignore.
1. Easy Access from Anywhere
One of the drawbacks of relying on hard drive storage is that you can only access your files through one device!
What are you going to do when the office is closed for the night? What if you forget an important document while traveling for business?
The above problems are more than just inconveniences.
Instead, you can switch to cloud storage and access your files from any mobile-connected device. That includes cell phones and tablets.
2. Cloud Benefits for Collaboration
Hard drive storage depends on email to streamline communication. Before you know it, you’re lost in a thread of emails, while valuable documents get lost in the shuffle.
While email is essential for interdepartmental communication, cloud storage services make the following tasks easier:
- Sharing files
- Viewing documents
- Co-creating projects
- Team collaboration
- Notetaking
- File editing
More cloud services also come with in-app chats for instant responses. Just add up the amount of idle time wasted on email, and you’ll notice a big difference after switching to a cloud-based project management platform.
3. Enjoy Faster and More Reliable Technology
Remember the hard drive storage example?
Hard drives are just one innovation wiped nearly obsolete by the cloud.
For example, cloud-based automated financial advisors are wiping out real investment gurus online. Plus, cloud-based financial apps visualize real-time data instantly. Thus, you don’t have to wait for your financial planner to get back to you!
Social media management is another example.
Before cloud-based SMM platforms, you would’ve relied on a social media consultant who had access to management software. Now, you can sign up for a free account and manage your social media accounts (yourself) from home. Plus, you can download valuable data to plan for growth.
SEO is another service that’s been transformed by the cloud. Instead of relying on customized management platforms, users can extract valuable search data and insights to improve rankings.
Of course, if you’re running a business, you’re inundated with tasks. For example, if you look at pics-itech.com, you’ll notice they offer Infrastructure as a Service, otherwise known as IaaS. IaaS services help companies build and sustain complex cloud systems.
As your company grows, you may want to consider Platform as a Service (PaaS), including backup and recovery solutions. Software as a service (SaaS) also cuts time and costs across the board.
Discover the Promise of Cloud Computing
Stop hiding behind your old iMac computer.
Ditch the flash drives and hardware and learn more about the possibilities of cloud benefits for business.
Research device compatibility, collaborative benefits, SaaS, and more concepts to create the ideal cloud system. The blog is also packed with essential topics for your vision.