October 23, 2024

    3 Most Common Weeds To Find on Your Lawn

    Common weeds are a constant nuisance for any homeowner. Once they take root in your yard or garden, rooting them out can become a Herculean task.

    That’s why prompt weed removal is an essential part of lawn care. To make sure you take them out before they take over your lawn, here are a few of the most common weeds you’ll encounter and how to deal with them.

    1. Crabgrass

    Crabgrass may be one of the most common headaches that a homeowner will have to deal with. Believe it or not, this pest was introduced to the United States on purpose for use as a forage crop. Now it shows up everywhere you don’t want it.

    The good news is that as weeds go, crabgrass is one of the easier ones to deal with. Mowing the lawn regularly can prevent crabgrass from flowering and spreading seeds. That second point is crucial since, if it’s allowed to seed, your whole lawn can be infested in no time.

    General care to produce a thick, healthy lawn can also deprive crabgrass of the space it needs to take root.

    2. Dandelion

    Aside from crabgrass, dandelion is one of the most common weeds you’ll deal with. Their bright yellow rosettes may appear attractive in the early days of spring. But if left alone, they’ll spread to any available habitat before you know it.

    So how do you get rid of dandelions?

    Hand removal is an option, especially if the plant is still young. Once the flower matures though, its deep root systems can make permanent removal a challenge. Investing in a specialized tool like a dandelion knife can make the process easier and more successful.

    3. Creeping Charlie

    Creeping Charlie, or common ground ivy, can be one of the most difficult weeds to get rid of. You can identify it by its bright green leaves with scalloped edges and creeping stems. Growing low to the ground in shady areas, this perennial invader spreads rapidly and kills most other plants it encounters.

    The part of the challenge in removing it is that, if you try to dig it out by hand but leave any fragments of root behind, the whole plant will grow back in no time. Because it grows and reproduces so fast, it can overwhelm an entire lot in short order.

    To make matters worse, common herbicides have little effect.

    Your best bet is to smother patches of it with newspaper, tarp, or cardboard to deprive it of sunlight. After waiting a week or two, carefully dig it out and dispose of it in the garbage.

    If that doesn’t work, it’s time to call in the professionals. A proper lawn service provider will have the means at their disposal to handle even a serious infestation. To see an example of the sort of credentials you should look for in a lawn care company, check out Whenappearancematters.com

    These 3 Most Common Weeds Are Only the Beginning

    These examples tend to crop up throughout the country and have been the bane of countless homeowners. But they’re far from the only intruders you might encounter.

    From these most common weeds, we should learn one vital lesson: a quick response is key. And when necessary, you shouldn’t hesitate to call in the professionals.

    Both of those points are good general rules for home care. And for more on how to keep your home and lawn in peak condition, be sure to follow our latest household and real estate tips and guides.

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