How to Use Company Swag to Promote Your Business
Did you know 99% of people claim they’re willing to go out of their way to snag a promotional product?
This stat is true of your employees too! Getting company swag is a benefit for them and you.
Your business will reap the rewards of boosted brand awareness. Plus you can enjoy virtually free marketing. Meanwhile, your employees can enjoy the recognition they receive.
Continue reading to find out exactly how you can reward your employees and grow your business.
Improve the Customer Experience
Many different situations arise that might call for promotional merchandise to be given out. One example is using it as an in-store promotion.
If you’re getting many new products in or have seen a lag in foot traffic, try holding a special sale event. The key is offering free merchandise to the first “x” number of people who arrive.
Another great way to offer company swag to customers is by providing a gift basket full of items when they join you as a client. There are countless ways you can work swag into your business plan.
Doing this can boost sales and help get your business name out there as people use their products.
Recognize Your Employees
Employee satisfaction significantly impacts how they perceive their job. And it determines how likely they are to go above and beyond to keep it.
One great way to show employees you appreciate all they do is by offering items like branded t-shirts in a company swag store.
In addition, having a store makes it possible to gift vouchers and let employees have free items. Or, you can have employees purchase items to represent the company they work for which offers another income opportunity.
Either way, you’re benefiting.
Check out Axomo’s employee store platform to see how you can set up a store for your business in a few simple steps.
Boost Your Branding
Branding and marketing go hand and hand. But branding is what will help people recognize your business by seeing your logo, slogan, etc.
If employees and customers alike are walking around with merchandise like shirts, hats, mugs, etc., that has your business name and logo on it, people are going to see it more often. This helps new people learn about your business and build trust.
If they’ve never heard of your business before, seeing something might encourage them to look it up. So, why not also incorporating novelty swag like a Custom magic 8 ball for promotions can add a unique touch to your branding efforts, making your business stand out even more amidst the sea of traditional merchandise.
Overall, seizing the opportunity to have people showcasing your business information can work out better in the long run than paying for advertisements online.
Use Company Swag to Grow Your Business
Finding new ways to promote your business can be difficult. Thankfully, one relatively simple way to market your business also includes helping employees and customers feel recognized and appreciated.
Try using company swag today to boost branding, increase your marketing with little effort, and help the people who support your business feel valued.
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