September 7, 2024
    Not all accountants are created equal in today's day and age. Here's how simple it is to choose a professional CPA you can actually trust.

    How Do I Choose a Professional CPA I Can Actually Trust?

    Every year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts an average of 300,000 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)...

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    Do I need business insurance? When it comes to protecting your property and mitigating liability, explore everything you need to know.

    Do I Need Business Insurance?

    Yes, as an entrepreneur who is willing to grow in business, you need business insurance...

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    If you own or manage a business, you may be wondering what injury at work employer responsibilities are. Take a look at your next steps here.

    Injury at Work Employer Responsibilities: What Are They?

    Are you required by law to have worker's compensation insurance? A recent survey showed that...

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    Use Shiftsmart to Maximize Your Side Hustle Income

    Approximately 44 million Americans earning additional income is a sign that starting a side job is no...

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    Keeping your employees happy to work for you requires implementing payroll efficiently. Here are tips on creating a payroll system for small businesses.

    7 Tips on Creating a Payroll System for Small Businesses

    Are you struggling with creating a payroll system for your small business? If so, you...

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    A professional voice over recording can help your business thrive. This article will explain just how a voice over recording can benefit you and your company.

    5 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From a Professional Voice Over.

    Not sure if you need to get a professional voice over for your business? Want...

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    Having a reliable shipping system requires knowing what can hinder your progress. Here are common shipping mistakes to avoid for small businesses,

    6 Common Shipping Mistakes to Avoid for Small Businesses

    Is your business one of the over 2 million online businesses operating in the U.S?...

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    Not sure if an ESPP plan is the right option for your company? Read on to learn more about the major benefits of ESPP plans.

    Should Your Company Offer an ESPP Plan?

    Businesses today have many options to compensate employees for their hard work and dedication. They...

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    If you're considering franchising a business, it's important to understand what you're in for. Click here for a basic guide to get you started.

    A Brief Guide to Franchising a Business

    Coming up with a business idea is hard enough, but making it thrive is something...

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    The coffee industry is booming so why not start your own coffee shop. Keep reading to learn how to start a successful coffee shop.

    Coffee Industry: 7 Key Tips for Starting a Successful Coffee Shop

    Coffee is becoming very popular across many households worldwide. Many people take coffee first thing...

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