March 11, 2025

    Brazing vs Welding: What’s the Difference?

    Knowing the difference between brazing and welding can help you do the job correctly if you’re doing any metal work. Welding and brazing are processes that are often thought of interchangeably. But the two are distinct in their applications and how they affect exterior and interior applications.

    If you’re interested in learning what to use for your next project, you’ll need to know the basics of welding vs brazing. Understanding their differences can save you money and time.

    Keep reading to learn more about the differences between brazing and welding so you can decide which process is better for you.

    What is Brazing?

    Brazing is a metal-joining process that you can use as an alternative to welding. Heat is applied to the joint containing the alloy filler material, melting the alloy but not the main metal pieces to join. Upon cooling, a strong metallurgical bond is formed between the pieces.

    There are several different types of brazing designed for specific materials and applications. The most common types are torch brazing, furnace brazing, dip brazing, and induction brazing. 

    What is Welding?

    Welding is joining metal parts together by melting and fusing them. Welding is usually carried out using an electrical arc welding machine. This involves melting the metals with an electric arc and an adjustable electrode.

    You can create this process with other forms of heat, such as oxyfuel, tig, and MIG welding. Different welding techniques apply to steel, aluminum, brass, and copper.

    Benefits and Setbacks of Brazing vs Welding

    Brazing is generally easier to learn and less expensive. While welding requires a higher skill level, usually needing specialized training and certification.

    Welding offers higher strength and higher heat resistance. Meanwhile, brazing only suits joints not subject to high temperatures or vibration.

    Welding will create a more aesthetically pleasing and stronger bond. At the same time, brazing is perfect when aesthetics are not a concern or access to the joint is quite limited. The best joining process depends on the qualities of the metal, environment, ease of use, and aesthetics.

    Safety Precautions for Brazing and Welding

    Brazing involves lower temperatures than welding and wearing a face mask or safety shield is unnecessary. But it is essential to avoid sparks and use a proper ventilation system to avoid inhaling toxic fumes.

    Welding involves higher temperatures and, thus, requires the use of a face mask and safety shield. Consider safety measures before working to reduce the risk of burns and other hazardous conditions. This includes proper ventilation, protective clothing, fire-retardant gloves, and eye protection. 

    Learn the Best Metal Joinery With This Brazing and Welding Guide

    Always consider welder and brazer capabilities and limitations when selecting a joining process. Brazing and welding are both precious processes. But their application will vary depending on the type of material being joined and the environment.

    You can tackle any project confidently with the proper training and safety measures. Contact a welding and brazing expert to determine the best solution for your project.

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