5 of the Ultimate Tips for Hunting as a Beginner
As of the last available 5-year report, over 101.6 million Americans enjoy hunting and other wildlife-related activities. If you’re planning to become part of this 40% of the US population, you likely are looking for some beginner tips for hunting in the most effective and fun way possible.
Here, we’re going to give you some top tips for how you can shoot deer, birds, and other wildlife and stay safe while doing it. Read on for some ideas on how you can begin hunting the right way.
1. Choose the Right Rifle (and Accessories)
Before you can begin your adventure, you’ll need to choose the right hunting rifle. You can’t just use a shotgun or AR. You’ll need to invest in a specialized semi-automatic rifle made for shooting game.
One of the most popular and effective models is the Remington pump-action rifle. This gun is popular because it holds easily like a shotgun and can fire off multiple rounds quickly. It’s perfect for those who already know how to use handguns safely.
However, Remington is a fairly high-end brand and may be out of many new hunter’s price ranges. There are other alternatives for less than $1,000 such as the Browning X-Bolt and the Marlin Dark series. The latter is definitely a model that we highly recommend because lever guns are easy to use and highly effective.
Once you decide on a rifle, you’ll need to get a comfortable grip. Go read more now about selecting a grip that works for your specific gun. You also will need to choose a rifle case, sling, bipod, cheekpiece, and muzzle brake. Last but not least, invest in reliable optics, such as this Red Dot Sight, to increase your accuracy and efficiency.

2. Take a Gun Safety Course
Responsible gun owners must take firearms training courses to stay safe while hunting. You don’t want to have an accident where you accidentally shoot yourself or a hunting partner. This is especially important for new hunters that are just getting a feel for their first gun.
Another way that firearms training keeps you safe is by teaching you how to properly clean your rifle. While you can find some information on the internet, you need to be very aware of the appropriate cleaning methods. If you do it incorrectly, you could end up firing while cleaning and accidentally injuring yourself.
In addition to promoting safety, gun safety courses can help you to improve your accuracy. Deer, the most popular hunting prey, are well-known for bolting fast. Birds, another popular choice, are quite small and often distant.
Consistently training will ensure that you hit more game than you miss. It also will give you a tactical mindset that you need to keep confident while out in the woods. You’re sure to be a better predator when you feel like one, so make sure that you develop some hunting charisma.
3. Research Places to Hunt
Before you take a hunting trip, you’ll need to find the right location to shoot. As someone who’s just starting out, you’ll want to go to a wooded area without a lot of predatory wildlife. Wolves can pose a threat to inexperienced hunters.
Go somewhere that’s specifically tailored to those who want to hunt deer and birds. These animals can’t really fight back and are extremely unlikely to harm you or your hunting party.
Private land is especially great because landowners practice great wildlife conservation. This is a responsible way of taking care of the land and keeping wooded, natural areas safe. Before your hunting trip ensure you are adequately prepared and well-stocked up. You can buy rifle ammo online ahead of time as well as other necessities for your convenience.
Contrary to some people’s beliefs, hunting is necessary for wildlife conservation. It culls prey that would otherwise overpopulate the wood. Private grounds use your skills to their advantage- you’re doing the ecosystem a huge service.
Public grounds are also okay, but there are fewer regulations in place to keep hunters safe. You may want to wait until you have a bit more experience to try your hand in these areas.
4. Practice at a Shooting Range
You also should practice your aim and gun skills at a shooting range before you head off on a hunting journey. Neglecting to do this will make your hunting trip less fruitful since you won’t know what you’re doing. After all, a person who can’t hit a still target won’t stand a chance against fast-running elk.
Target practice also helps you learn new gun-use strategies that you may not have considered. You can try out different grips and see which one works for you. You can get to know your specific rifle and perfect your hold on it.
This will ensure that you’re ready to actually hunt when you get to your destination.
5. Gather Friends to Hunt With
Hunting is a highly social activity. This is partly for practical reasons since you don’t want to go out into the natural world alone. Someone needs to be there to help if you fall or have a rifle-related accident.
However, practicalities aren’t the only reason that you should go hunting with a friend or family member for your first hunting trip. Interacting with the natural world and culling unnecessary wildlife is a great opportunity to bond with those around you. People have been hunting since literally the beginning of time, and it has always been treated as a community-oriented activity.
Additionally, one of the best parts of hunting is cooking your game after it’s been shot. You don’t want to be forced to consume your fresh and delicious meal alone. Bonding with friends and family is essential here.
Beyond the Top Tips for Hunting
Now that you know the best tips for hunting in 2021, it’s time to get started. Check out the ‘life and household’ tab on our page for some information on storing and cleaning your guns. You’ll also learn some benefits of hunting for sport and how you can keep in shape to make the most of your next hunting trip. Start browsing to up your game ASAP!